Watch our webinar
In this webinar, Navigating Redundancy Megan O'Hara, discusses this complex issue with our paralegal, Elliot Burton. She shares her insights on redundancy and provides valuable advice for Microsoft Partners, business leaders, HR professionals and People managers.
These are challenging times, and many businesses are facing the tough decision of restructuring their workforce to remain competitive and sustainable.
We know this process can be daunting, and employers often struggle with the legal and ethical considerations involved in redundancy.
What does this webinar cover?
- A quick recap on the legal requirements redundancy
- What constitutes a "fair process"?
- Alternatives to redundancy
- Tips for good leadership in redundancy situations.
Our goal at Law 365 is to help you to navigate this process with empathy and transparency. We hope this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to approach redundancy with confidence and compassion.
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