Welcome to Law 365

Our lawyers a

You won’t waste time explaining your business model or industry to our expert lawyers.
We handle your legal worries, so you can focus on growth.

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Law 365 are truly innovative with our approach to legal services

We operate as an innovative, friendly law firm providing quality and expert legal services in four key areas.


Commercial Law

Law 365 takes care of your commercial contracts, agreements and negotiations enabling you to focus on business growth.

Employment Law

We support with all employment law needs, whether its understanding IR35, TUPE or support through tribunals. 

Corporate and M&A

Law 365 provide comprehensive advice on all corporate and M&A matters, providing solutions from seed to exit.

Technology Law

Law 365 has a dedicated team of technology specialist lawyers providing best in class contracts and agreements.

We support businesses with their legal needs, helping them achieve growth and increased revenue 

  • Negotiating favourable terms in your contracts and deals

    We tailor the terms in your contracts to make them work for you.

  • Drafting contracts to include essential terms

    Our experienced lawyers build contracts designed to suit your needs, these will always include essential terms and clauses.

  • Providing expert advice and exceptional service.

    Our team have over 150 years of legal experience between them and achieved an NPS score of 83, ensuring you will always receive the best legal advice and care.

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Trusted by 100s of businesses

We pride ourselves on helping our clients grow and win business

Hear the feedback we have received from our clients...


"We were looking for a modern and innovative legal firm with a deep understanding of the complexities of the technology world. Law 365's commercial models were flexible and fitted our requirements perfectly."

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